
So in this episode let’s talk about the glue that is obviously keeping these sculptures together. “I knew it! There’s glue in the sand…cheater, cheater pumpkin eater!!” No, there is no glue in the sand holding anything together. Sand sculptors mix a ‘windscreen’, which is approximately 90% water and 10% Elmer’s glue. This is then sprayed on after the sculpture is complete using any typical hand pump sprayer from Home Depot. This added layer of protection helps keep the sculpture from drying out prematurely from the wind and sun, which both create havoc to any sand sculpture. This mix holds your sculpture together like paint holds your house together. Professional sand artists typically prefer Titebond 2 Waterproof Wood Glue over Elmer’s for two reasons, it’s cheaper than Elmer’s and it offers more protection against the heavier rains. This ‘screen’ will add weeks, even months, to the life of your sculpture, depending on severity of the weather and the proximity of the local beach bar (as alcohol and sand sculptures usually don’t mix too well). “Now I know!” And knowing is half the battle….G.I. JOE!!!!!!!!!!!