How to lose a sand sculpting competition in 3 easy steps!

1.     People love cute, there’s no way around it.  Do not make anything too cute or pretty. This was a hard lesson to learn, but no matter where you go on the planet, people want the rainbow, unicorn and glitter. Female figure vs. monster? That creature doesn’t stand a chance so go for it!

2.    Don’t make anything too thought-provoking. Does your sculpture have a deeper meaning that people can relate to? Then if you want to lose, don’t do it! Keep the meaning of your sculpt super simple. If it’s a man-eating plant, make sure it’s only a ‘man-eating plant’, and not a subconscious sculpt about your inner fears regarding greenhouse gases being manifested into a demon created by the almighty dollar. You’ve been warned.

3.   Carve small. Everyone knows that bigger is better. You could make a 6’ tall Michelangelo masterpiece, but it doesn’t stand a chance against a 12’ tall pregnant mermaid. Large empty flat surfaces with squiggly lines help to finish on time. A big female face? Are you trying to be a winner! STOP! That’s ignoring rule #1 & #3. And don’t you even dare make it be about your daughter finally leaving the homestead and heading off to college…that adds rule #2 as well! NOPE!

It’s that simple!! Go have fun on the beach and be a loser!!