The best far

Professional sand sculptors go where the sand is. Though many sand gigs wind up being in a shopping mall or county fair, at times we find ourselves in far-flung locations around the globe.

There’s a gazillion ‘best beaches’ lists roaming around out there. Beaches make those lists for one reason or another; the most coconut trees, whitest sand, bluest water, blah, blah, blah. It all comes down to the eyes of the beholder.

We’ve seen countless beaches in our profession, and I’m getting nagged to write another blog so here’s our two cents. While it’s hard to say that anything is the best of anything, let’s just say that these are the best that we’ve laid eyes on thus far. Read em’ and weep…

-Ngerukewid, Palau

-Blue Lagoon, Lizard Island, QLD, Australia

-Honopū Beach, Kauai

-Corcovado Beach, Costa Rica